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Z 世代置產攻略:不盲從、不妥協,只要最具個性化的奢華體驗
近年來,一代新人逐漸踏入了房地產市場:Z 世代,即 1997 年至 2012 年間出生的人群。隨著這些年輕購房者的崛起,一系列與眾不同的房產趨勢也隨之浮現,鮮明地凸顯出他們與其他世代的差異。他們的生活軌跡深受全球性事件的影響,如新冠疫情以及數位時代的蓬勃發展,而這些因素也在無形中塑造了他們對理想居所的獨特需求。
建築、設計和藝術平臺 STIR 的策展總監 Samta Nadeem 提到 :「我認為 Z 世代最顯著的特徵是不願隨波逐流,他們的家居設計往往極具個性,從完全採用天然材料並使用有機染料塗裝的環保住宅,到配備高度智慧化系統、能夠感知住戶情緒的科技住宅,風格各異卻獨具匠心。」 繼續閱讀 |
A new generation has entered the property market in recent years:Gen Z, those born between 1997 and 2012. As these young people have begun buying homes, certain property trends have emerged that mark out their generation from the rest. Their lives have been shaped by global phenomena such as the pandemic and the expansion of the digital age, and these have influenced what they look for in a home.
“ I think the most defining feature for Gen Z is the defiance to conform, ” says Samta Nadeem, the curatorial director at architecture, design and art platform STIR. “ Their homes tend to be radical and could sit on either ends of the spectrum — from a house that is only made of natural materials and painted in organic dyes to a tech-heavy home that senses your mood. ” full article |
作為世界級旅遊勝地,普吉島每年吸引逾 1,000 萬名遊客,帶動短租市場蓬勃發展,投資者透過訂房平台輕鬆實現穩定的租金回報。
普吉島吸引了大量來自中國、俄羅斯、歐洲及中東的買家,特別青睞豪華海景別墅、度假公寓及高端度假村,展現其無可取代的投資價值與生活魅力。 |
Phuket, a tropical paradise in southern Thailand, is a top choice for global investors and high-net-worth buyers. Offering luxury sea-view villas, condos, and resort-style properties, it’s ideal for personal use or rental investment.
With 10+ million annual visitors, Phuket’s thriving short-term rental market delivers strong returns. Ongoing infrastructure upgrades, including airport expansion and future light rail plans, drive steady property growth.
Phuket’s world-class amenities—international schools, top-tier healthcare, and golf courses—make it perfect for long-term living, attracting buyers from China, Russia, Europe, and the Middle East. |
數位化、全球化的 Z 世代將創造消費新時代
在曾為中流砥柱的嬰兒潮世代逐漸老去後,高度科技化、全球化的 Z 世代會帶來甚麼樣翻天覆地的改變呢? 2024 年,知名英國新聞週報《經濟學人》 ( The Economist ) 刊出了一篇耐人尋味的文章: Z 世代是前所未有的富有世代 ( Generation Z is unprecedentedly rich )。一般人對 Gen Z 這個 1997 年至 2012 年之間出生的年輕世代的印象多半停留在他們是人類史上第一個從出生就大量接觸網路和數位行動裝置的新世代,因此也被稱為「數位原住民」 ( Digital Natives ) 。
驚人的 Z 世代消費力在人口和收入都創下人類歷史新高的 Z 世代理所當然也會成為全球最有潛力的消費族群。根據市場研究分析公司尼爾森愛科 ( NielsenIQ ) 今年的特別報告,Z 世代的整體消費力將在未來五年間超越嬰兒潮世代,正式成為史上最有錢也是最會花錢的世代。
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In April, The Economist published an article highlighting that Generation Z ( born 1997-2012 ) is the wealthiest and most financially powerful generation. Known as "Digital Natives" for their exposure to the internet and digital devices from birth, Z's consumer power is set to surpass that of the Baby Boomers within five years, making them the richest and most spendthrift generation in history, according to a report by NielsenIQ. more |
2024 Q4 房產市場概要
2024 年 10 月景氣對策信號綜合判斷分數為 32 分,較上月減少 2 分,燈號續呈黃紅燈。其中,受鋼鐵、化學材料市場需求平疲、產線排休、颱風干擾等影響,工業生產指數轉為黃紅燈,製造業銷售量指數轉呈綠燈。另領先指標經回溯修正後轉為連續 3 個月下滑,同時指標則大致持平,顯示國內景氣維持成長,惟須密切關注後續變化。 了解更多 |
2024 Q4 Property Market Overview
In October 2024, the composite score of the economic monitoring indicators was 32 points, a decrease of 2 points compared to the previous month, with the signal remaining at a yellow-red light. Factors such as weak demand in the steel and chemical materials markets, production line adjustments, and typhoon disruptions led the industrial production index to shift to a yellow-red light, while the manufacturing sales index turned to a green light. Additionally, after retrospective adjustments, the leading indicators showed a three-month consecutive decline, while the coincident indicators remained largely stable, suggesting that the domestic economy continues to grow, though close attention must be paid to future developments. more |
劉恆碩 Jason
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大直純住宅區,遠眺河岸景觀,環境寧靜。全新高檔裝潢,設有健身房、空中泳池。鄰近美麗華商圈和捷運,生活機能便捷。 |
This tranquil Dazhi residence offers river views, high-end interiors. It's conveniently located near the Miramar shopping district and MRT. |
李建國 James
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坐落於淡水河左岸,住宅以帆船造型如揚帆出航,住宅擁有 180° 景觀,櫻花步道、遊艇碼頭及精緻設施,啟航至無限精彩的生活旅程。 |
Nestled on the Tamsui River’s left bank, this residence offers 180° views, cherry blossom trails, a yacht marina, and refined amenities for a superior lifestyle. |
楊光明 Dean
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鄰近文化大學、歐洲學校,生活機能良好。格局方正,每層面積超過 60 坪。社區提供 24 小時管理,獨立庭院、泳池,極具隱密性。 |
The villa is located near the European School and CCU, featuring a private garden, swimming pool, and stunning mountain scenery. |
悅榕莊酒店式豪華公寓 ( Banyan Tree Grand Residences ) 位於泰國普吉島著名的悅榕莊度假區,擁有 45 套超豪華別墅及 24 間酒店式住宅,每個細節都完美融入熱帶生活的靜謐氛圍。
悅榕莊豪華公寓距離頂級海灘、國際餐廳和休閒設施僅幾分鐘車程,完美融合家一般的舒適與五星級度假村的尊榮。住戶可享專屬禮賓服務、芳療設施,並體驗度假區的奢華禮遇。無論作為長期居所、度假別墅或投資物業,悅榕莊豪華公寓都在亞洲最理想的地點重新定義了奢華生活的標準。 了解更多 |
Nestled within the prestigious Laguna Phuket, Banyan Tree Grand Residences offers an exclusive collection of 45 ultra-luxurious villas and 24 contemporary condominiums, each designed to embrace the tranquility of tropical living. These exquisite properties blend timeless architecture with modern amenities, creating serene havens surrounded by lush greenery, pristine waterways, and the signature Banyan Tree hospitality. Each residence is thoughtfully crafted to deliver unmatched privacy, with private pools and expansive living spaces that overlook the breathtaking natural beauty of Phuket.
Located just minutes away from the island’s finest beaches, world-class dining, and recreational facilities, Banyan Tree Grand Residences seamlessly combines the comforts of home with the privileges of a five-star resort. Residents also enjoy access to exclusive amenities, including a dedicated concierge, wellness facilities, and Laguna Phuket’s integrated lifestyle benefits. Whether as a primary home, vacation retreat, or investment, these residences redefine luxury living in one of Asia’s most coveted destinations. more |
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